L´ORIENT Arganiere KG
CONTACT DETAILS Management: Marietta Wanner mobile: 0043-676-30 212 30 Restaurant Manager: Mustapha Khattat e-mail: [email protected] online shop: www.www.lorientaustria.com
ADDRESS Store: Alserbachstrasse 2 / Staircase 2, 1090 Vienna Restaurant: Rotensterngasse 22 / Top 5 & 6, 1020 Vienna
COMPANY DATA Company registration number: FN 399370i Registered office: Vienna VAT number: ATU68139338 eori: ATEOS1000057614 The place of performance and jurisdiction for all services arising from the contract is Vienna.
BANK DETAILS Account: LORIENT Arganiere KG BANK: First Bank IBAN: AT322011182343949100 SWIFT: GIBAATWWXXX
We look forward to your visit to L'ORIENT and are happy to answer any questions you may have about our product range. We would also be happy to provide you with more information about how our products are manufactured.
MANAGEMENT MUSTAPHA KHATTAT Purchasing, production, product design culinary concepts, sales
MARIETTA WANNER PR, website, media design Product design, photography, sales SOCIALMEDIA facebook: @lorient_vienna Lorient Vienna Food & Interior instagram: @lorient_vienna Pinterest: L´ORIENT_ Interior
IMAGE RIGHTS All usage rights for images on this website marked with -Photo by Eric- are held by Marietta Wanner, all usage rights for other images are held by L´ORIENT Arganière KG